Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Disney on Ice

On January 19th, Keith treated us all to the Disney on Ice:  Toy Story show in downtown Indy.  It was fabulous!  Poor Sami was so sick that day, with watery eyes, a cough and a horrible runny nose - but bless her heart, she was a trooper.  It lasted from 7-9pm (past her bedtime anyway) and she watched the whole thing, with her baby bear and blanket to bring her comfort.  It truly was magical!

Dressed up for the show!

 One of her many beloved babies and blanket joined us to help her feel better. 

 So beautiful - the pics do not do it justice!

So blurry - but the best pic that came out of us. 

1 comment:

Tia Bach said...

LOVE the new pictures! Samantha is just too cute with pigtails, I must say. Love and miss you guys!